In spite of the fact that he IS a JOKE,

Dotard is losing his war against comedy and the comedians slam him mercilessly on all the late night shows. BTW, what do the rightwingnuts watch later in the evening after they’ve heard the same crap from FOX, all day?
Or do they just turn in at 9, after their Lawrence Welk reruns?

Donald Trump loves wars. 
There's his trade wars with everyone from Canada to China. 
Then we have Trump's twitter wars: You name the person, place or thing and Trump has probably slammed it via a tweet. (Although despite my best efforts, Trump has still not come after me.) 
    And now we have Trump ratcheting up another war. No, it's not against Robert Mueller or "fake news." It's on comedy. 
    But I can assure you that this is one war Trump will lose -- not only badly, but hilariously, as his idiocy is mocked nightly, and 2/3 of the country loves to laugh at jokes, instead of electing them.


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