My first thought, after readin the headline was, OMG! How stupid can you get?

Then I realized who the ‘Pollsters’ were, and I understand.
Rasmussen polls, is another name for Repub propaganda, and tey’re about as ‘Fair and Balanced’ as FOX, who don’t use that motto any more, cuz it’s such a JOKE, and now it all make sense.
Yup, it’s all Trump’s economy. HA!
Never mind the fact that the Liar in Chief inherited a well-oiled machine, on a continual uptick, and he goosed it with an UNPAID for tax cut that will cost our children trillions.
Remember the CRASHING, worst since the Big D, that the Pubs handed off to Obama, after our homes and investments lost HALF their value?
Oh Yeah, 2008....
That’s just how the Pubs do things, and no money for ANY Dem stuff, BUT, if it’s a WAR or a Pub tax cut to benefit the 1%, then start printing the money, and give Dotard the credit.
And, the clueless(R) Rasmussen respondents don’t give a shit about a racist, Pathological LIAR installed by Russia.
‘If he has an (R) after his name they wouldn’tcare if he’s a trained monkey, which would be a LARGE improvement on the LYING, incompetent, arrogant egotistical moron we are stuck with, until Mueller presents all his evidence.
Just be patient......


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