Oh how far we’ve come

When I was young and the Russian threat was very real, fallout shelters and atomic bomb drills at school were common occurrences.
Russia was our avowed enemy and everyone new it.
The film ‘The Manchuria Candidate’, about a Russian ‘plant’ in the White House was a scary, but realistic movie.
How things have changed.....
Now, we have our president meeting with the Russian dictator who ADMITTED to helping to elect the him, after ALL the US intel said so, and our Commnder (LIAR) in Chief had a two hour, secret meeting with the Commie Boss, with ZERO recordings or others present, and the ‘Head Up Their Ass Crowd(R)’ is fine with it.
Think about it.....
Our prez has YUUUUGE financial dealings with Russia, according to BOTH his sons, (‘after US funding dried up, we went to Russia’), he refuses to show his taxes, and one of Britain’s top MI-6 spies says there’s DEFINITELY collusion between the two, BUT, the Liar in Chiief’s handlers won’t let him testify, cuz ‘it’s a perjury trap’.
OMG, you can’t make this stuff up, including the 1/3 our country, who JUST DOESN’T GIVE A SHIT.
Stay tuned.....


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