Omg! I knew they(R) are idiots, but this is off the chart, even for the clueless sheep’

Trump’s moronic minions HATE to hear the truth and would much rather just watch FOX, the Pub created ‘news’ for people who don’t want news, but would rather hear everything through a Repub ‘spin filter’, called Bullshit Mountain .
AND, these same morons think Dotard should have the power to just SHUT DOWN the ‘free press’, and have the US get their news from ‘state media’ like in Nrth Korea and Russia.
Can’t you just see Sean in a pink kimono?

A plurality of Republicans think President Donald Trump should have the power to close down media outlets, according to the Daily Beast, citing an Ipsos poll. Further, 23 percent of Republicans said Trump should shut down CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. [Full Story]

Read Newsmax: 

You can’t make this stuff up.
And you wonder how we got an Orange Clown in the White House? Not with rampant ignorance(R) like this...


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