Our esteemed leader, Dotard, Tweeted 48 times this weekend

Many of the Liar in Chief’s LIES, were racist Tweets against LeBron, and now I can see why.
Lebron gave over $40 million for Ohio children’s education.
Dotard’s ‘students’ sued him and WON, $25 million for his fraudulent Trump University, where he defrauded them out of their hard earned tuition,, in a scam to fleece the gullible.
Just like ‘what works for him’, and the FOXSheep.
Can you say GULLIBLE, in all CAPS?
BTW, his former campaign chairman, who looks like the maitre de in a Mafia themed restaurant, is looking at life in prison.
THEN, we get to see hiis trial as an ‘unregistered foreign agent’.
Maybe TWO life terms, as the ‘witches’ in the ‘witch hunt’ are all found guilty or FLIP, as most criminals do, cuz they don’t like dying in prison.....


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