Remember when every day wasn’t a day when, ‘OMG what did the prez say (Tweet) today?

Oh yeah, that was the Obama years, as he
dealt with the Bush f**k ups and fixed our economy, AND

didn’t have a foreign (enemy) govt help him to be elected, (Putin agreed he did),
didn’t f**k porn stars, (no condom) pay them off, and LIE about it,
Didn’t piss off our allies on our borders and overseas
Didn’t go against ALL economic advisors with hiis bullshit tariffs costing thousand of jobs,
DIDN’T LIE EVERY DAY, many times
Didn’t hold continual ‘campaign rallies’ AFTER he was elected
Didn’t give a ‘budget busting’ tax break to ‘mainly the rich’
Didn’t make his supporters look like clueless, gullible sheep, who’ll swallow ANYTHING
Didn’t support an a-hole like Alex Jones
Didn’t get 15% of the vote in the city/state that knew him (LIAR) best
Didn’t write a book, saying ‘LIE three times and they’ll believe anything’. (RU shittin’ me?)
Didn’t LIE about his weight (239 HA!) and inauguration crowd size
Didn’t have foreigners staying at his hotel, while in Washington on business(?)
Didn’t LIE about the White House being remodeled as a reason for ANOTHER vacation
Didn’t make laughable HYPOCRITES out of gullible Evangelicals/Christians
Didn’t have a YUUUUGE number of friends/associates indicted
Didn’t pay $25 mil to settle lawsuits over fraudulent Trump Univ
Didn’t have his campaign mgr indicted for fraud, tax evasion, LYING and being a ‘foreign agent’
Didn’t brag about grabbing pussy

Didn’t take the Seven Deadky Sins as a To Do list, and SUCCEEDED
Didn’t believe a Russian dictator over US intel
Didn’t have THOUSANDS of lawsuits and multiple bankruptcies
Didn’t have EVERY late night host making fun of all his LIES
Didn’t piss off nearly ALL our (former) allies
Didn’t get financing from Russia, after going bankrupt MANY times
Didn’t accuse the FBI of plotting against him, after Comey’s last minute Hillary emails gaffe
Wasn’t elected by a ‘minority of voters’ cuz of 3 to 5 million ‘illegal’ votes (WTF?)
Didn’t hire an unhinged, LYING, senile, ‘has-been’ like Rudy Giuliani as his lawyer
Didn’t refuse to release his taxes, showing Russian financing
Didn’t have his base in the Bible Belt, while breaking nearly ALL the Ten Commandments
Wasn’t a Fat Ass who made fun of heavy women
Won’t answer questions, cuz it’s a ‘perjury trap’. (Are you shittin’ me?)
Didn’t pick one (Repub propaganda) news agency and accuse ALL THE OTHERS of being fake
Didn’t have 2/3 of America AGAINST him, knowing he’s a LIAR
Didn’t spend a LOT of time, every day getting Orange Clown make up
Didn’t have a moron like Giuliani as his lawyer, after his first one (Cohen) flipped
Didn’t golf over a hundred times in his first year and a half
Doesn’t have a bunch af brain dead sheep supporting him, NO MATTER WHAT
Didn’t finance his business with hundreds of millions of dollars from Russia, and LIE about it
Didn’t cheat on ALL his wives.
Didn’t appoint (incompetent) Cabinet heads who were opposed to the Cabinet agency they head
Didn’t want an ‘ego parade’ costing nearly $100 millio
Didn’t brag about ‘Grab em by the pussy’, you can do ANYTHING when you’re famous’.
Couldn’t list ONE Bible verse, after claiming the Bible is his FAVORITE BOOK
Didn’t claim the ‘free press’ is the ‘enemy of the people’
Didn’t give his kids Security Clearance,  while revoking it from the former CIA director
Didn’t say, ‘I love the uneducated’, (cuz they swallow his shit)

Didn’t believe Putin/ Russia over ALL the US intel!!!!!
Didn't say, ‘I know words, I have the BEST words, I’m like REALLY smart, a stable GENIUS!’
And his ignorant sheep said AMEN....

As Repubs sold their souls and ideals for a CON MAN who lied his way into his way into a formerly respectable party, by LYING about the former Prez’s background (born in Kenya), as he hooked up with White Supremecists, incl Alex Jones, an unimaginable a-hole (Sandy Hook is a HOAX), plus
Manafort and all the other criminals in Dotard’s world.

Bottom line, he’s a LYING SOB, who has the most GULLIBLE, ignorant minions (morons) EVER,
who choose party(R) over country, (CIA, FBI, NSA) supporting the candidate CHOSEN BY RUSSIA, while disregarding hundreds of LIES!

Nothing new here, in FOXSheep, Bullshiit Mountain world


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