Thanks again, Dotard...

SANTA ROSA, Calif. (AP) — Add this to the challenges facing California wildfire victims: Tariffs.
The import tariffs imposed by President Donald Trump are adding thousands of dollars to the cost of building homes. That especially squeezes homeowners who seek to rebuild quickly after losing their houses to natural disasters, such as the wildfires scorching parts of California.
The Trump administration's tariffs have raised the cost of imported lumber, drywall, nails and other key construction materials. One building association official said the tariffs could raise the price of a typical new home in California by up to $20,000, and it could be more for individual homes being custom-built on short order.
That could be enough to keep some people with inadequate homeowners insurance from rebuilding or force them to consider a smaller house.

Another good quote from Bill Maher.
‘Trump calls the media, ‘the enemy of the people’, except of course, FOXNews, who is SO FAR up his ass they are the ‘enema of the people’.


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