There’s a limit to free speech, like yelling Fire in a crowded theater

OR, spouting the rightwingnut crap like Dotard’s buddy Alex Jones does in his ‘InfoWars’ propaganda, where the rightwingnuts get their latest ‘bullshit infusion’ before heading off for one of the Liar in Chief’s rallies.
Jones is notably the same broadcaster who last year interviewed Robert David Steele, a man who claimed that the 2,000 children who go missing every day are being shipped to Mars to be used as sex slaves.
Jones was one of FIRST people Dotard called to thank after his win.

The loudmouth LIAR, has now lost his kids, and access to most of social media, BUT, the gullible sheep(R) still have Rush, FOX and Sean, SO, they will get their daily load of bullshit.

YouTube removes Alex Jones' page, following bans from Apple and Facebook

  • YouTube removed Alex Jones' page, following similar moves from Apple, Facebook and Spotify.
  • YouTube said in a statement that Jones repeatedly violated its policies.


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