There’s a YUUUGE fued, between Capt Bone spurs and a career soldier/Marine, CIA head

Bottom line, who could choose the NYC ‘Reality Star’, who picks Russia over US intel.
Dotard vs Brennan.
WOW, what a tough choice, as an egotistical, incompetent jerk(R), who claims, ‘I know more than the Generals’.
Who can be stupid enough to believe the Pathological LIAR over a career soldier/CIA officer?
Oh yeah, the ignorant, gullible sheep.
WTF is WRONG with you jerks?
Oh yeah, FOXNews, the Repub ‘answer’ to ‘real’ news.
Some day, you’l look back on this and think, ‘How could I have been SO stupid/gullible’, but it will be too late.
Sorta like looking back on Viet Nam and Iraq, and thinking,
‘Wow, what a GREAT idea those wars were’.
P:EASE, remove your head from your ass, no matter HOW comfortable it is,
you  gullible idiots who supported the LIES, leading us into a bogus wars and now support the Liar in Chief, installed by Russia.’
Show me where I’m wrong, gullible jerks.....
as per Brennan.
He has DECADES in protecting America and he knows Dotard’s Russian connections.
Pease do one thing rightwingnuts.
Check out Dotard’s connections to the Russian Mafia, as he laundered criminal $$$ through his NYC real estate, since 1984.
Google it. You won’t believe me.....
And his taxes won’t show it, CUZ HE’S HIDING IT ALL.
He’s a Russian puppet.
Check it out.....
All the US intel agrees, Russia hacked our election to install ‘Agent Orange’.
And the Pubs are FINE with it.
WTF is WRONG with you Bullshit Mountin(R) jerks?
Can you imagine if Hillary won, with Russian support?


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