Today’s the anniversary of when American Justice bagged a crook

Yup, it was 48 years a today, that Nixon(R) resigned, rather than face a humiliating trial tha could have sent him to prison.
Now, we have the same possibility, as another Repub felon may have the chance to choose resignation or a protracted trial that could send him and a large number of his henchmen, (friends and family) to the slammer where they belong.
With the evidence before him Ticky Dicky decided to quit, instead of facing the music.
I’m saying Dotard will will do the same thing, after a LOOOOONG fight, throwing out LIES like candy from a Mardi Gras float, before it becomes SOOO obvious that even his ‘head up their ass crowd(R)’ crowd can’t swallow any more crap.
The day you see the professional LIARS at FOX turn, in the face of TONS of irrefutable evidence, you’ll know the end is near.
I can hardly wait.


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