While I’m thinking about it, I’m gonna explain, AGAIN

I don’t really blame Dotard, (in a way), for being the outrageous a-hole he is.
He’s consistent. An arrogant, vain, egotistical, incompetent jerk(R).
He doesn’t change....
Everyone knew what they were gonna get’
And the ignorant sheep voted for him anyway.
A New York LIAR, (New Yorkers voted at 15% for him), with thousands of lawsuits and many bankruptcies.
Yup PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL, according to FOX, the official REPUB PROPAGANDA NETWORK, as per Roger Ailes’ plan.
The problem is with the gullible, clueless minions/moron who look at the Orange Clown and think....
‘Yup, he’s presidential, let’s vote for that ASSHOLE’.
Nothing new here, as 1/3 of the country kisses the ass of the candidate PICKED BY RUSSIA, to be our president.
Could say MUCH more, but that’s enough, you ignorant, gullible morons, who deny the facts, AND BELIEVE A pathological LIAR, over all our country’s Intel.
No matter what you do, the rest of your ignorant life, nothing will compare to this, you gullible morons....
Of course he can take a GREAT economy and goose it with (Unpaid for) tax cuts, and trashing rules and regulations.
BUT, let’s talk, A year from now, when the Russia investigation, and his stupid tariffs take effect.
OF COURSE all the CIA, FBI, NSA people are against him.
It’s not a conspiracy, these are people that know the FACTS, of his Russian connections.
HOGWASH is the best they can say, as the liar in Chief denotes it.
Bottom line, if I gotta explain, your head(R) is up your FOXSwallowing ass....


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