You gotta see Bill Maher’s latest show

Too many good zingers to list, but he mentioned, after telling Agent Orange’s continually evolving story about the Russian meeting (didn’t happen, didn’t know about it, about adoption, no collusion, collusion is OK, doesn’t matter, cuz of pardon, etc) nd Dotard’s new campaign slogan, Hope and Change the Story.

Then Bill mentioned a YUUUUGE number of crooks from the Liar in Chief’s henchmen, incl his son, DoucheBag von Fuckface, Jr, said hsn’t Drained the Swamp, he’s Swamped the Drain.
Now Chris Connelly, his first (non-Russian) Congressionl supporter, is under indictment and we hear Willard Ross stole $100 MIL from his company.

And then there’s the Perjury Trap, which is a problem, ONLY for LIARS, SOOO, we see the problem.
And there’s the list of questions that Mueller is ALLOWED to ask, but nothing about Obstruction of Justice or Russian Collusion. And we heard that July was the hottest month EVER in California, Death Valley just recorded the highest temp EVER, on earth, as the Pubs still deny Climate Change.
California is burning, so Dotard sent his help and sympathy.......NOT
He bitched about their environmental policies being so TERRIBLE (?), and their rivers flowing to the sea.... SO LeBron said, ‘And I’m the one with the low IQ?’

Remember when Pubs agreed Russia was our enemy and the FBI was trustworthy?
Remember when they claimed to be fiscally responsible?
Remember when the Pubs wouldn’t support a pussy grabbing draft dodger.
Remember when the word LIAR and Repub wasn’t intertwined?
Remember when the Pubs believed in competency as a requirement for the Cabinet?
Remember when the prez didn’t boink porn stars, during his third marriage, and then pay them off, without a problem from his party?
Remember when the Pubs weren’t anti-science?
Remember when the Pubs supported the ‘Rule of Law’?
Remember when Canada, Mexico and the EU were our friends/allies?
Remember when the Pubs were worried about Hillary’s Private Server, cuz a foreign country could interfere with our govt?
Remember when our prez wasn’t a Pathological LIAR and the Pubs had a PROBLEM with a LIAR?


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