After saying, ‘Ain’t it great when a plan comes together’, the Russian dictator,

Who had recently pulled off the single most successful attack on America, EVER, gloated in his Red Square office and looked at the fiasco wreaked by the worlds best hackers, Russian, had perpetrated on what was formerly the proudest, most powerful nation in the world, successfully installing a LYING loudmouth, arrogant, incompetent Reality Show star into the Oval Office.
Vladimir could hardly contain his mirth...

Russian President Vladimir Putin gloated Thursday about what he sees as the end of the United States’ world dominance due to growing “mistakes.” 
As for the U.S., he said that “empires often think they can make some little mistakes ... because they’re so powerful. But when the number of these mistakes keeps growing, it reaches a level they cannot sustain.”

Duh, you think he might be talking about Dotard, alienating all our FORMER allies, enacting tariffs and starting a trade war, against the advice of nearly ALL experienced economists, as the main requirement for his cabinet is to be totally incompetent?


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