And you wonder how we got an a-hole like Dotard in the White House?

Just look at the effect Bullshit Mountain has on the gullible, uninformed sheep, in their world where truth doesn’t matter, and they willingly swallow the LIES from Dotard and FOX.

Even after a suspect was arrested, some supporters of President Donald Trump appear to be clinging to the idea that this week’s attempted bombings of prominent Democrats were faked.
At least 14 of the packages were sent to high-profile Democrats whom Trump has attacked, including former President Barack Obama and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Reporter Ali Vitali of MSNBC’s “11th Hour” asked an attendee at Friday night’s Trump rally in North Carolina what he thought of the mailed explosives.
“Barack Obama probably sent his to hisself [sic],” said the man, identified as Arvil Runyon. “And Hillary Clinton probably sent hers to herself.”

In other FOX ‘news’ where the sheep barely have the smarts to read past the
BIG LETTERS, that headline screamed “Voting Machines Changing Votes in Texas,
For Dems’.
BUT, if you have the time and talent to read the whole article, you’ll discover
It’s just ‘voter error’ and there’s no conspiracy, unlike what the casual, ignorant
FOXSheep reads in the headline.
Same old shit for the gullible, clueless sheep....
And you wonder WHY they are so ignorant and uninformed?


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