Again, thank you Dotard, for your ignorant foreign policy, with tariffs, that has killed the golden goose of international trade.

What will it take for the incompetent dumbshit, and his as kissing minions to realize that incompetence like the Liar in Chief’s has no place on the world stage, let alone as prez of the US.

The source of all this stock-market angst is manifold. MarketWatch has previously outlined many reasons for worry but it is worth repeating: The overarching theme is that investors are concerned about slowing growth here and abroad and the impact of tariff clashes between the U.S. and China.
BUT, the Liar in Chief has promised a tax cut for the middle class, that he has so thoroughly screwed, although its totally impossible in the time frame he’s promised.
What? He LIES. Who da thunk?


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