File it under DUH....

Chris Cuomo took aim at three Fox News hosts on Friday as he lamented the cheapening of political discourse.
The “Cuomo Prime Time” host said anger in politics had been “notched up” in recent years “because it works” in securing votes — and he called President Donald Trump the “captain of capitalizing on this.”
“Now it’s in the media too. Media can be a feedback mechanism for what’s out there. With Trump, it doesn’t create the energy; it harnesses it, turbocharges it. That’s Fox,” he added.
Cuomo then played clips that he claimed highlighted Sean Hannity’s “righteous indignation,” Laura Ingraham’s “curled lip of disgust” and Tucker Carlson’s “pissed puppy dog puss” look.
“What are they doing? They’re finding common enemies with their base, encouraging the animosity, using the word ‘unhinged’ a lot,” said Cuomo.
Wow, who da thunk that FOX wouldn’t be Fair and Balanced?
Oh yeah, that was too funny even for Bullshit Mountain, better known as State Media, just like Dotard’s hero’s, Putin and Jong Un have.
Why doesn’t Sean have to wear a pink kimono?


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