This is what Ive been preaching here at Aunty FOX for the last ten years,

And the ignorant, uniformed FOXSheep refuse to believe, because the follow the Official Line of Repub Propaganda.
Bottom line,  Blue States pay for the low education, low income Red Sates. Not even debatable. Nearly 100%, at over 95% correlation, BUT, the uninformed masses(R) love to think THEY pay are the high earners.
Bullshit, and easily provable to anyone who can read govt figures.
The Pubs base, the BIble Belt South, sucks money from the Dem states to pay for their uninformed masses that swallow FOXCrap, listen to their Southern preachers and lead the country in welfare, food stamps and opioid addiction.
USA Today has a great article on it, like it’s some new phenomena they just discovered.

Midterms: Poorest states have Republican legislatures, and richest have Democratic ones


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