The Liar in Chief is being backed up by his State Media, FOXLies

After Elizabeth Warren took the DNA test that Dotard claimed he’d pay one million bucks for, he declared the test ‘bogus’ with ZERO evidence, and his trained clowns at Bullshit Mountwin backed him up, also with ZERO evidence there was any fraud.
And I bet the gullible, ignorant sheep are swallowing the crap, as they always do.

President Trump demanded Sen. Elizabeth Warren apologize Tuesday for claiming Native-American heritage as part of what he called a "fraud" against the public, mocking her newly released DNA test as "bogus."
After th Cherokee Nation correctly said that the DNA couldn’t be proof of a specific tribe, the Orange Clown said, ‘see, they don’t want her either’.
The lying POS just never stops with his LIES, and why should he, his gullible supporters just cheer louder as the LIES get bigger.


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