Great article in the Denver Post today, by a Pub who says the Dems have an ‘unfair advantage’ in technology.

Yup, this rightwingnut apologist basically says Pub can’t compete, cuz MOST aren’t smart enough to set their VCR’s.
I know, and am related to that crowd, who think they are SO smart, but can’t figure out what most eight year old’s know.

. Since most Republicans still have VCRs flashing “12:00” on top of their TVs, I expect it will take them some time to catch up to Democrats.

 And in other election news, 56% of respondents saying they want a Congress that "stands up" to the President compared with 35% who want a chamber that "cooperates" with him.
Yup, it’s that same clueless, gullible 1/3 that swallows FOXCrap and doesn’t know, or CARE, that their boy is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.


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