These crooks(R) are SO obvious, and the sheep SO gullible..

When the Trump tax cut was on the verge of being enacted, I called it “the biggest tax scam in history,” and made a prediction: deficits would soar, and when they did, Republicans would once again pretend to care about debt and demand cuts in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
Sure enough, the deficit is soaring. And this week Mitch McConnellthe Senate majority leader, after declaring the surge in red ink “very disturbing,” called for, you guessed it, cuts in “Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid.

Surprise, the same morons who voted in the Dotard are gonna lose their ‘entitlements’, that they/we paid into all our lives.
This is the Pub mentality in action,. Give YUUUGE tax cuts for the rich and pay for it with cuts to the rest of us.
Screw em and the sheep they rode in on.


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