Along with Roger Ailes, who created an ‘alternative’ to news, for a specific, target audience who would rather hear what Repubs WISH was ‘real’ news.

Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News Channel and right-wing radio have preyed upon those who’ve seen their American Dream go up in smoke, “And they have helped to create a generation of angry and violent conspiracy theorists who will believe any lie that is perpetrated on those airwaves.”
The perfect audience to elect a Reality Show con man, whose been bankrupt SIX times, brags about ‘grab ‘em by the pussy’, and says in his book, ’First you lie to them three times...’
Yup, sounds like a great ‘news’ channel and a perfect candidate for prez.....
IF your head is buried SO DEEP in your ass, facts have no chance of penetrating.
Perfect choice......


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