We’ll find out in a couple weeks, if FOX can fool the sheep agin.

Yup, in the next election will the farmers and small town folk be convinced that the LYING, multiply bankrupt conman is ‘one of them’, again?
And, the preachers are telling the sheep that the porn star boinking, Pussy Grabber is ‘just like them’.
Seems like a hard sell, but when you consider the gullible audience, Sean and Rush may just pull it off, AGAIN.
It’s not like the Dotard-supporting crowd is all that smart, considering affordable health care is No Big Deal, or the fact that Putin and Russia chose HIM as their boy.
And then there’s that ‘Pathological LIAR leading our country’ thing, which obviously doesn’t bother FOXSheep....
Too bad Mueller follows the rules about ‘no surprises’ within 60:days of the election, unlike Comey.
Although Russia/Dotard collusion can’t really SURPRISE anyone, even the gullible sheep.
They just don’t care....


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