As the markets around the world TANK, Dotard blames it on the Fed. BULLSHIT!

The markets in the US, and the world, have been on a steady slide since the vain, arrogant, incompetent Liar in Chief started his Tariff War, and went off the cliff with the rate increase.
Yup, the dumbshit said, ‘Trade wars are good, and easy to win’, as his competent economic advisors bailed and ran he’s been left with Navarro and Steven Miller, two incompetent outliers who have cost the world markets hundreds of billions and upset the world trading network that took decades to build, while they stroke the Orange Clown’s ego and kiss his ass.
Sure, rising rates hurt the market, but it takes the Trump Tariffs to wreck it like we’ve seen.
Guess what, Dotard. You can’t just declare bankruptcy and/or run off to another campaign rally this time, backed by your ignorant minions. These chickens are coming home to roost.
Also, Mueller is gonna spring his evidence after the Nov elections and the LYING POS will be lucky to avoid prison. People know this will also roil the markets.

The other good news?
Elections are coming up, and everyone’s not as gullible as the FOXSheep.
No matter WHAT the jackhole does or says, they always say, ‘But look at the Stock Market.’
Not gonna be so easy when they are all in Correction mode, as they hit today.

BUT, as I’ve said before, when ignorant beasts are trapped, they get dangerous.
Can you say War For Distraction?


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