Here in Colorado, we are assaulted with political ads, and its the typical bullshit from the Pubs.

Walker Stapleton, a spoiled Trump-like sycophant, has a one theme campaign, constantly charging his Dem opponent with assaaulting a woman.
If you’re an ignorant, uninformed Pub voter you might fall for his bullshit, just like a typical FOXNews sheep, BUT, if you know the facts, it’s WAY different.
Jared Polis had a female employee who was stealing money and documents, and after being fired for criminal acts, and she was fleeing the building. Jared stopped her, and charges were filed against the thief.
None against Polis(D), BUT the Pub asshole, Stapleton, has made that the MAIN point in his campaign, saying he assaulted a woman, although ALL the local TV stations have labeled the allegations FALSE.
Pub politics in a nutshell.
LIE then LIE again, and hope the ignorant uninformed voters (FOXSheep) just swallow the LIES, and vote Repub, as they’ve always done. See prez Trump, the pussy grabbing pathological LIAR.....
Some things never change...


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