The Mooch, Scaramucci says the Dems caan’t win by focusing on Trump’s LIES

And I agree. Half the clueless, gullible, ignorant sheep don’t even know he LIES all the time, cuz they get their ‘news’ from FOXCrap.
And the other half don’t give a shit that he’s the worst liar EVER.
I don’t know who’s worse, but I do know that you can’t shame the shameless jerks(R) who elected the LYING, bankrupt, arrogant, incompetent Pussy Grabber, cuz the morons knew all that and elected him anyway.
You don’t reason with idiots like that, you just shake your head and wait til the criminal is impeached, as soon as his taxes are exposed and his Russian connections revealed.
Not that the morons(R) will give a shit about the Russians putting their stooge in the White House.
At least he didn’t have a private server, cuz that might be hacked.


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