Referring to the Liar in Chief, Obama said, ‘He just makes it up’!

Duh, as if we didn’t know. BUT 1/3 of the country doesn’t give a shit.
He’s a Repub and says he’s a ‘Christian’, SOOOO, nothing else matters as he LIES, boinks porn stars, screws up our relations with former allies, installs economy wrecking tariffs and incites violence among his whack-job minions.

Obama cited a recent Trump comment that he would pass a tax cut before the November election. Obama then told the crowds in high school gymnasiums that "Congress isn't even in session before the election! He just makes it up!"
At one point Obama said in Wisconsin: "Here's the thing. Everything I say you can look up."
Obama spoke about the slow-moving migrant caravan from Central American bound for the United States as another example of a Republican scare tactic.
"Now the latest, they're trying to convince everybody to be afraid of a bunch of impoverished, malnourished refugees a thousand miles away," he said. "That's the thing that is the most important thing in this election," he said. "Not health care, not whether or not folks are able to retire, doing something about higher wages, rebuilding our roads and bridges and putting people back to work."
Referring to Trump's promise to "drain the swamp," Obama said that instead "they have gone to Washington and just plundered away."
"In Washington they have racked up enough indictments to field a football team," he said. "Nobody in my administration got indicted."
Do the brainwashed FOXSheep care?
Of course not. He’s a REPUBLICAN!  Case closed for the closed mind morons.


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