Wow, I’m shocked!

Who da thunk that Dotard’s YUUUUGE, unpaid for tax break for the rich would ramp up the deficit, after a steady six year decline under Obama? (17%, so far).
Yup, the Pubs, laughing hysterically behind our backs, claimed the tax cut would pay for itself, just like they always do, and it always doesn’t.
It just puts more money (85% of cuts into top 2%) into the Trumpies pockets,while the average tax payer lost ALL their tax relief in higher gas prices, while Texas is producing so much oil there’s no place to store it.
Dotard’s Iran policies have cost hundreds of billions while his tax cuts have helped just the (already)
super rich.
Thanks again, Orange Clown, pathological LIAR.
The good news?
The gullible sheep, who can afford it the least, will be hurt the most.
At least there’s SOME justice in the world.


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