BTW, my next post explains what we were shown, over and over in Scandinavia, where the ‘the chrch’ is dying, or dead.

The people were FORCED to accept Christianity, or they couldn’t own property, a business, get married or do ANYTHING legally, as the leaders reaped the rewards.
Today, the churches are all but abandoned, by all but the oldtimers, since the govt stopped requiring chrch membership.
It’s obvious on Sunday, esp, as the churches sit empty.
Look at ANY chart/graph as per church membership, and if you see anything but a downward spiral, let me know.
The world iis getting smarter, as the old myths die, EXCEPT in the Repub party, where they’ve found an audience, while the Pub leaders laugh their asses off, behind the sheep’s backs....
Nothing new here, to those with a functioning brain, and who don’t believe that members of other religions, (most of the world), are ‘going to Hell’.

Little known fact.
As the preachers looked for witches, who could be recognized by property ownership, a law reserved ONLY for men, (the church claimed their property and wealth) and refusing to bend to chrch rules, which took away ALL their rights, one of the requirements of theclergyman was to shave all the hair from the ‘witch’.
Think about it.
It’s all in the chronicles of the age, as The Church gained power and money, with today’s Vatican being BY FAR the biggest, most wealthy business in the world.
Again, show me where I’m wrong, if you can.
I used to be ambivalent about the the sheep, ‘to each his own’, until they were systematically herded together, to vote, straight Repub, and gave us GW, and now Dotard, thanks to Rove and Ailes, and the entire propaganda crew at FOX.
Now it’s impossible to ignore the damage.
I can’t ignore them and their closed minds any more, cuz they are killing the future of my country, and my kids/grandkids....



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