Wow, the stuff I wouldn’t know, iIf I didn’t scan FOX

1. 5000 poor people, 2500 miles away from the US, constitute a National Emergy (Dotard’s spelling)
2. The YUUUGE stock market slide isn’t because of Dotard’s tariffs messing up the earnings of large US companies and totally screwing world markets, it’s because people are worried Dems are gonna win in November.
3. The Liar in Chief is gonna give the Middle Class a 10% tax reduction, although both sides of the aisle disagree and the budget is reeling from his last give away to the 1 percenters.
4. Farmers still LOVE the Orange Clown, even though his policies are costing them billions.

Wow, and you wonder WHY the FOXSheep are so ignorant and misinformed?


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