I bet I’m not the only one, who is willing to see a YUUUGE market crash, sorta like the one we saw from the last Repub admin, (remember 2008, where we lost HALF our investments and home values?)

If that’s what it takes to get rid of the incompetent LYING a-hole in the White House.
I’ll live on beans and rice, happily, watching  the LYING jerk(R) get voted out, as the gullible minions finally realize what 2/3 of us, along with the entire world, have known since the vain, arrogant, incompetent Pussy Grabber took office.
Bring it on, if that’s what it takes to get the Orange Clown outta office, and hopefully into prison, with his Russian buddies.
Screw him and the sheep he rode in on.
Money’s nice, but selling your soul for market gains is the Pub’s game, not mine, and we all remember what they did last time, wrecking the whole world economy in 2008.
Beans and rice ain’t that bad, with some Cajun seasoning....


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