After fooling the sheep

into voting AGAINST the Dems, 'cuz the economy is SO bad', (by far the largest reason for their votes, according to exit polls), the Pubs find themselves in a bit of a quandary, cuz that line's not gonna work for 2016. We've obviously made HUGE gains from the 'steaming pile' that GW and the Pubs handed off to Obama and the Dems in 2008, and it'll probably be even better by election time. SO, what's a Repub to do? Kinda hard to blame the unrest in the MidEast on Obama after 'GW and The Dick' caused it, although you wouldn't know it, listening to Bullshit Mountain, as the sheep love to do. Will be interesting to see where they go, cuz Giuliani's bullshit rhetoric about Obama 'not loving America isn't gonna work with Hillary, BUT, I have no doubt they'll rile the sheep with some kind of fear-mongering that calls for strong, unwavering Repub leadership, where blind allegiance, to any and all stupid wars, PROVES you love your country. We'll see...


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