USA Today, has an interesting peice,

as they agree with the CBS reporter who was with Bill O'Reilly in Beunos Aires, and confirms they never got close to the Falklands, BUT, he says you can't compare Brian Williams and NBC to Bill O'Reilly and FOXNews.

"Brian Williams was in charge of a nightly newscast seen by 9 million. Theoretically, as managing editor and anchor he decided what went into that newscast. That's a position of tremendous journalistic responsibility."
On the other hand, Zurawik said, "Bill O'Reilly is the most popular person on cable news TV, but it's a nighttime show that has a very different agenda on TV and no one on cable TV ... says these are journalistic entities'"

Yup, their agenda is to 'catapult the propaganda', and elect Repubs.  Bullshit Mountain, home of the rabid sheep, claims they are a REAL news outlet, and the old, white, naive, uninformed couch potatoes agree with them. Doesn't make it true, though.. You think FOX will take O'Reilly off the air for lying?  Excuse me, cuz I'm ROTF LMFAO.....


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