The state released the stats today,

and we learned Colorado got nearly $80 mil in taxes, on approx 74 tons of bud, plus 1.96 million units of 'edibles' being sold, AND, the sky didn't fall, as many predicted it would. There was no noticeable inctease in 'young people using', and the crime rate went down, while jobs and the general economy went way up. Basically, those who used to smoke still do, and those who didn't still don't, BUT the revenue goes to the state, (plus JOBS), instead of the cartels. I'm claiming it's just the beginning, as more states vote to 'legalize' for adults, rather than 'incarcerate', although the Red/Pub states STILL go for jail vs freedom, in a 'war on drugs' that has NEVER worked. Nothing new here, as the rightwingnuts think 'Reefer Madness' is real, and they act accordingly, plus fighting all the medical research involved with one of the oldest medicinal plants known to man. Good news for residents, as Colorado 'gets the jump', on the rest of the country, and the tourists bring their money, that filters through the economy. Works for me, as the housing market is off the chart, and getting HIGHer.


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