On weekdays, when I feel like finally 'waking up',

I turn on the recorded network news (ABC, Charlie Rose), and zip through, (no commercials), the stories that interest me, before I go to CNBC,The Financial Channel, to finish waking up. It's different on weekends, cuz the network news isn't on, and I end up checking other news. This morning I spent 5 minutes on FOX, and my blood pressure rose perceptibly, as I heard LIE after LIE about the new 'net neutrality', from the 'distinguished panel' of old white guys and hot chicks. If I hadn't just spent 2 days looking at net neutrality, I might have believed some of the crap they fed to the sheep which included, Obama took over the internet, like he did Health Care, and is gonna wreck it like Obamacare has ruined the US medical system. Obama and the White House handwrote the bill and forced it down the FCC's throats, threatening them if they didn't pass it. With the new rules, it's like a stadium owner not being allowed to sell luxury boxes.(That one is SO insane, in SO many ways). There will be BILLIONS in new taxes, (a claim with NO merit, making it's way around FOX). You're gonna have to have govt permission to open a website. The 'Road Hogs' are gonna take over the internet, forcing the rest of us to the side. (their words, and totally OPPOSITE of the truth). And all these lies were within about 5 mins, from the Bullshitters of Bullshit Mountain. No wonder the sheep hate Obama/Dems, when they are BOMBARDED with lies on a constant basis. I finally turned it off, before my head exploded. How is this even legal? FOXNews, more lies in 5 minutes than network news in a year, where the habitual liar Bill O'Reilly is one of the 'lesser liars'.


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