The 'Fair and Balanced' crew,

claims Hillary hired a PR firm to 'revamp her image', cuz we all know that she's gotta 'do something drastic' so she'll have a chance against the eventual 'clown car survivor'. In other Bullshit Mountain 'non-news', the brain trust has backed off keeping O'Reilly in the headlines, cuz even the brain-dead sheep can look at his actual statements about being 'on the ground in the Falklands' and see he's full of crap. MAYBE they can, cuz they don't look real close, when it's one of their own who's obviously lying. Never mind, the sheep swallow whatever FOX shovels to them. Anyway, they moved him to the backburner, before they feel compelled to suspend him, for lying, like NBC did with Brian Williams. JUST KIDDING, LOL. Lying is part of the 'job description' at FOXNews, and it surprises NO ONE.
Have you ever wondered why FOX courts the Literal Bible Believers? They're submissive, living in the past, easily offended, naive, basically good, but usually not very well educated, used to being told what to do/believe, 'facts' are either not important, or negotiable, and they VOTE. No-brainer for the Murdoch/Ailes propaganda machine. You ever wonder why EVERY year, FOX and O'Reilly trot out the 'War on Christmas' BS, as they find a few isolated incidents to PROVE the ungodly are inciting WAR on the holiday that starts before Thanksgiving? All part of The Plan, to elect Pubs, and it works, as they convince the little people to vote against their own interests, cuz it makes em feel patriotic and God-fearing. Best $$ EVER spent, in the dirty world of politics.


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