C'mon, PLEASE be true....

There are reports of a possible 'coup', by the FAR rightwingnuts against Boehner, cuz he MAY have cut a deal with Obama to, (GASP!) fund DHS for more than a week. Let's just hope those nutballs get their way and show what the country what they're 'really made of'. The lunatic fringe of a 'way out there' party of Conservatve whackjobs;. I can only hope it's true, as we see what the Pubs are capable of, now that they have the reins in Washington. Anyone remember the 'crash of 2008', the last time these jerks had some power?
FYI. The 'Freedom Caucus', is another name for the lunatic fringe that is behind the possible rebellion. For those who don't know, these nutballs have the luxury of being from extremely Gerrymandered districts, where their only fear of being voted out, is by someone even FURTHER 'out there', cuz there are no Dems in their outrageously sculpted 'districts' of Red State maniacs. I LOVE IT!, as they get a chance to show the country the true danger of ultra conservative thinking. Thanks a bunch, FOXNews.....


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