Not saying Big Bill was never in a war zone.

cuz he is a seasoned soldier, in a war he created and perpetuates, himself. His 'War on Christmas' that is, cuz we all know what a problem that is, IF you are a sheep, that is. In other news, Bill is getting caught in other lies, (wow, I'm SHOCKED), including claiming to be on the porch of Lee Harvey Oswald associate George Morenschildt, when he committed suicide with a shotgun, according to his book, 'Killing Kennedy'. (From right-leaning Politico)
BUT, those who were with O'Reilly, and at the cite of the suicide, claim O'Reilly is lying, AGAIN. Should be fun to watch as the can of worms has been opened, and Bill's lies come crawling out, esp since he lives in 'The No Spin Zone' on Bullshit Mountain. Wow, lies from the FOXCrew? Who da thunk?


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