'What color is this dress',


has tens of millions of hits on the internet this morning. We saw it on the morning news show, and Carol swore it was white and gold, while I saw blue and brown/black. The news crew was equally split, then on CNBC, the Financial Channel, they were also confused, and saw different colors. Not sure what's going on, but different people can look at the same picture and see different colors. I'm sure there's a logical explanation, but I haven't heard it, AND, it's really upsetting some, as they argue, 'what's wrong with those people'. Sorta like I do with anyone who can look at FOXNews, and NOT see what's SO obvious. However, I know the answer to my question. The sheep gave up any degree of impartiality LONG ago, and accept the lies from Bullshit Mountain, cuz it's what they WANT to hear, and it reinforces their longheld biases. Very simple, but sad, just the same. Have I mentioned 'The Daily Show', on the 25th, with the DOCUMENTED '50 Lies From Fox News'? Check it out, on 'The Google', as GW would say...


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