To prevent brain damage to others,

I have scanned the headlines at FOX, so you don;t have to, and they include:

"Our Govt 'Fears' Freedom"
"The Kochs Should Spend MORE Money", {buying votes(R)}
"Net Neutrality is a Terrible Idea"
PIC: Kim Kardashian Thanks Her Loyal Fans With a Thong Selfie
'Gains in Iraq Slipping Away', So obviously, we should STILL be fighting W's war....
'Pubs Will Get Blame if DHS Shuts Down', Well duh....
And my favorite. How believing in the Bible can get you canned in today's America

There, I suffered the brain damage for you, and you can still click on the thong selfie, part of FOX's daily TITillation for their old, white fart audience.
But, what's funny, is how they are TOTALLY avoiding the fact that their highest profile 'bullshitter', got caught in 3 seperate lies. First, he just tried to 'scream louder' like he does on his show, BUT, he can't 'turn off the audio' and say 'shut up', as he loves to do when he can't argue the logic. Too bad, Big Bill, but don't worry, the sheep couldn't care less that you got caught lying. It's not like they're 'surprised'.


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