The resident sheep, on Bullshit Mountain,

got a good giggle, as they re-inforced their feelings about Uncle Joe Biden. 'Ha, ha, we know he's crazy, ha ha'. BUT, what they didn't hear, as in Paul Harvey's, 'the rest of the story', was that on the way into the press conference, the new Sec of Defense' wife, had just slipped on the ice, and was hurting. At first she wasn't wasn't going to join them on the podium, but Joe talked her into it. Like most FOXCrap stories, they start with some 'truthiness', (Colbert's term for them), and spin it so the sheep can feel good, cuz the Dems are SO bad, and LOOK, 'here's proof'. Same old crap from Bullshit Mountain, as the sheep think they're informed, BUT, they just get what Murdoch/Ailes want them to think. Nothing new here, but a good example.


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