I just added 2 more today,

in the reasons I can't stand the Repubs. There was,
Iraq War, based on lies,
Fighting Affordable Health Care, when we are the ONLY developed country without it and they have NO alternative, and they screwed up the 'single payer' system and gave us the mess we have today.
Screwing up Education system with No Child Left Behind, and WAY too many tests
They fill our prisons with pot smokers
Thay have a 'propaganda outlet', FOXNews, which broadcasts bullshit to the naive sheep
Denying Climate Change, cuz of their Big Oil donors,
Citizens United, which allows 'more money, more votes', instead of 'one man, one vote.', which is one of their WORST among MANY catastrophic actions, by the 'bought and paid for' party of NO!
And, the way they totally wrecked the economy last time, doing NOTHING to help fix it, with their obstructionism.

True, the Dems are really bad, also, but compared to the 'evil' of the Pubs, they are just rookies, who think people should have medical care, and you shouldn't go to war, unless you HAVE to. Then, make SURE you attack the right country. And, votes shouldn't be For Sale.

I'm sure I'll think of more, but those are at the top of my list, for now.


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