The Repub side of Congress

just 'kicked the can down the road', merely delaying the fight between the Rightwingnut Pubs, and the FAR Rightwingnut Pubs, with a temporary funding (3 weeks) of DHS, cuz the Boehner-led(?) party can't even agree 'amongst themselves', what/where/how to fight/compromise?, as they twist themselves into knots, with another (temporarily delayed) temper tantrum. Would be funny to watch, if it weren't so serious. This time they wanna 'shut it down' cuz of the Immigration Bill (that they wouldn't even VOTE on), last time it was Obamacare and the time before that it was the budget. These jerks may not be too smart (duh), but at least they're consistent, with their temper tantrums that have NO CHANCE as long as Obama has veto power. Nothing new here, and I hope nothing changes, cuz, SURPRISE, even low-information voters, the Pub base, can remember 'shutdowns'. IF, you're gonna 'go to the mat', what a dumbass place to do it, with Homeland Security funding. And Rush is afraid that Jon Stewart will 'hurt their brand'. LMAO....

PS. This just in:
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Republican-controlled House unexpectedly rejected short-term funding for the Department of Homeland Security on Friday, increasing the prospect of a partial shutdown at midnight of an agency with major anti-terrorism responsibilities.
The vote was 224-203 against the measure, as 52 Republicans defected on the leadership-backed legislation.
Yahoo! GO FOR IT, dumbasses.....


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