The Pub on CNBC this morning was bitchin'

cuz he thought Fed Head, Janet Yellen, was spending too much time with the prez, and 'other left leaning' people. The commentators laughed and said this was normal, and all others in her position, incl Greenspan and Bernanke had done the same. Earlier, Pubs bitched about 'seasonality' in Fed economic figures, and the way that employment figures are calculated, as they tend to lean 'left' (?) BUT, these methods haven't changed, in many generations. What HAS changed is how the Pubs ALWAYS bitch when they don't like reality. It's always someone else's fault, and someone's picking on them, or cooking the books when they don't like the figures. Nothing new here, but it gets REAL old, as they whine and whine, when nothing's changed from the way 'their boy' did things. The only difference?  The Pubs wrecked, and the Dems fixed, the economy. BIG difference.


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