I'm kinda jealous, of all the people

who haven't seen the 6 seasons of Downton Abbey.... Yet. Not only did Peyton retire today, but we saw the final episode of one of our all-time favorite TV series, Absolutely 'off the chart' when it comes to television entertainment that was enjoyed by hundreds of millions, in most of the countries of the world. At the end of the final episode I looked at Carol, and she had some tears, also. I can't imagine anything taking it's place. I can only hope....
The cast, writing, background scenes, history, wardrobe, love stories and tragedies were amazing. A rare look at the 1%(R) and their servants(D), but it works, in SO many ways. Thank you, Downton Abby, for making us care and those who haven't seen it, you have something worthwhile to look forward to. I'm jealous...


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