Pretty amazing day around here,

as #18,  Peyton Manning, announced his retirement after 18 years. Not really a surprise, but really classy. He joins John Elway as the ONLY QB to retire after a Super Bowl win. Too many athletes can't say good-bye, when it's time, cuz they still wanna play, which is very understandable. He just waited, until he and his family returned from a trip to Mexico. Yes, we do have a lot in common....
Bottom line, it was time. Denver won Super Bowl 50 cuz of the defense, and because Peyton was smart, not athletic.
Gonna miss him, like I missed Elway when he left, and am hoping the Broncos can sign Osweiler. We'll see, but I'm betting the Elway led team lands on their feet. It's a Denver tradition. Thanks Peyton, just for being you....


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