As I watch The Donald accept the Repub nomination for prez,

supported by nearly half the country, it's not the first time I've been ashamed to be an American. There was also the Viet Nam era, and the Iraq War, but this may be the worst. Iraq and Viet Nam were debacles foisted on us by corrupt leaders, but The Donald has been 'chosen' by a bunch of American Idiots(R).
Was gonna comment on the OBVIOUS lies from the Orange One, but WHY? If you are a Trump fan, your head is SO deep up your ass there is NO WAY you will hear me, as Trump blames the Iraq War on Hillary, and the morons cheer him on, SO..... never mind.....
If you wanna return to 2008, and the disaster of Repub rule, you have absolutely NO CLUE, so why should I waste my time, but, someone else summarized it for me.‘Massive Lies And Distortions, Crammed With Incoherence’... 

Or, in other words, typical Repub bullshit.


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