Carol and I were talking

about how/why some people could look at The Donald vs Hillary, and pick The Orange Huckster. We decided there are some people 'out there' who can't handle the thought of an intelligent, strong woman. They are the same ones who don't like cats. 'They(R)' like to be 'in charge', and can't handle something that is non-traditional, as their Good Book has always preached that women should be seen and not heard. There are dozens of 'scriptures' that prove it is 'God's will', and they all vote Republican while swallowing FOXCrap.
About time for a change, OR we could start 'stoning' adulterers and killing those who don't keep the Sabbath, or mix fabrics on their clothes, or mix crops on their land. Look it up, Thumpers, as you claim 'divine guidance', and vote for idiots....


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