The best indicator of a robust economy

has to be new home sales, and last month set a record, going back 8 1/2 years. BUT, Rick The Dick Santelli, the rightwingnut commentator on CNBC says 'it doesn't count', cuz 'it's an artificial economy with artificial interest rates'. This is the same dick who claimed for over 7 years, that we were gonna get 'galloping inflation' from the steps that Obama and the Dems took to rescue the 'steaming pile' of an economy that the Pubs left behind when they were run out of town after causing the worst recession since the Big D.
Rick, the mouthpiece for FOXNews and one of the architects of the Tea Party wouldn't know an economic indicator if he had it inserted into the same body cavity where his head is so firmly implanted, BUT he keeps his job at CNBC. Why?
The good news is that we are able to compare his predictions to what actually happens and ANYONE can see what an idiot he is. Am waiting for the day when he gets booted to FOXNews where he can preach to the sheep that actually believe his crap...


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