As part of my continuing 'public service announcements'

for the sheep who get their 'news' from FOX, I have chosen 2 facts, among MANY, that the denizens of Bullshit Mountain will never hear. First, Roger Ailes, FOXNews puppet-master, is getting canned for his on-going sexual harassment against his female employees. And, I've included a chart that even the 'densest of the dense', or typical FOX/PARP sheep should be able to understand.
June continued the record-setting string of 'hottest ever' months. Not that the airheads living inside their right-wing 'bubble world' will believe or CARE, but the actual scientists who make their living with FACTS instead of FOX-issued propaganda, have presented the latest data, and the trend continues.
Last month was declared the hottest June ever recorded in modern history, with global temperatures in the past 14 months breaking all records since 1880, scientists reported.
On Tuesday the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said that June was the 14th consecutive month with record high temperatures. April 2015 was the last month when the Earth did not encounter any record high temperatures.
Last month was declared the hottest June ever recorded in modern history, with global temperatures in the past 14 months breaking all records since 1880, scientists reported.
On Tuesday the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said that June was the 14th consecutive month with record high temperatures. April 2015 was the last month when the Earth did not encounter any record high temperatures.
This 'moment of truth', for the sheep, was brought to you by Aunty FOX. You're welcome....


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