From the news this morning...

I read an article about the 'Rise to Power', of Roger the Hutt, or Jabba Ailes, as he guided Bullshit Mountain to new lows in the 'news' media. In a small but typical example of the crap that FOXNews disseminates to the sheep, who regurgitate it through society, consider this:
CLEVELAND — When Donald J. Trump wanted to proclaim his doubts about President Obama’s birth certificate, he went to Fox News.
The network immediately seized on the birther controversy set off by Mr. Trump with a zeal unmatched at the other cable networks. Over the course of the next three months, the word “birther” was mentioned on the network by anchors or guests in more than 80 separate broadcasts, according to a review of available Fox transcripts.
Trump and FOX kept insisting they had 'bombshell' news that The Donald's investigators 'found' in Hawaii, and it made headlines. When there turned out to be NOTHING, FOX ignored it, BUT the sheep kept spouting it, even after Obama provided his birth certificate, certified by a Repub, AND showed the local newspaper announcement of his birth.
Even today, over half of the idiots in the Repub party believe he's a foreign-born Muslim. How do you argue with ignorant, stupid sheep(R) like that? You don't. You just try to ignore them....
MLK had the perfect quote to describe them. And you wonder why I can't stand 'em?


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